Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Well, well, well the end of the road is almost near. Time to say our good byes, pack up our Macs and move on into the next phase of our DMA lives. The introductry  to the world of media acts has been quite interesting and very informative.

I remember when my instructor Mrs.H introduced me to blogging (chuckle). I can't lie I was a little skeptical at first but once I did my first blog called The college freshman I fell in love with blogging. "So be on the look out for I will be dropping blogs 3 times a week".
 "Now back to our regularly scheduled program" All of the assignments I had to do from the Imovie, newsletter, and presentation was a great experience.

I learned alot about myself as well, for one I did'nt realize how interested I was about video production until I did the Park Slope M4V using the Imovie program, or when I made my first comic book using comic life.

Well people I could sit here for days and days rambling on and on about my experience as a freshman coming into the world of DMA. But I dont think there's enough time in a day for me to say all I have to say. What I would like to do is say
                                                                        a few words to my up and coming fellow DMA students.
                                                                        I put together a couple of phrases for you guys to look at,
                                                                        I pray that they inspire you.

                                                              Always do your best.
                                                              Don't waste time.
                                                              Visualize your dreams.
                                                               Inspire those around you.
                                                              Can't is not in your vocabulary.
                                                               Excellence lies within you.

Take a few minutes and check out my video from me to you... Thanks for stopping by hope to see you soon and feel free to comment, bye for now.