Thursday, June 23, 2011
The Industry, whos in it, where is it, and how do I get there. What Industry you ask?, I am talking about the Creative Industry. Where you are allowed to show case your stuff amongst the best, to prove why you feel you are the best! Can I get a Amen? (Preach on my brother)

Thats why I am here today to enlighten you about a great easy to use web site called "". CHL as I like to call it, is a premiere job site with one of the most sophisticated search engines around. It allows users to find people, companies, and resources for any aspect of the creative market. Which includes, Job Openings = You can search by category or industry to help narrow down the job that's right for you.
Creative Services = allow CHL to do the work for you wether its a logo, website, or just needing help on launching a new product CHL can help.
Artist = Any and all information you want or need to know about an old or new artist from musicians to dancers or painters to museums can be found right here.
These are just a few of the services you can get from One of my favorite things about CHL is that wether your company is one preson or a thousand through CHL  you can post information about your firm, the capabilities your company has, as well as job openings for your firm. And since resumes can be sent online you can manage your entire hiring service right through CHL and have your searches saved and filed by its personalized virtual filing system with anytime access. But you must become a member, so don't wait, join today and enjoy showing the world the "Creative You" right through

When I use CHL I like to put in different names in the category section, then switch up the industry section, and see what I come up with. Today I was searching about graphic designers. I was able to find 57 matches, but the one that caught my eye was a graphic design intern :-) for a Benefits Company. Qualifications were as followed
1. Currently enrolled in college = thats me!!
2. Studying graphic design = Hey over here....
3. Excellent communication skills = Im your guy...
4. Ability to design and work on Windows PC = " Thank you God"
5. And lastly capable of working independently or with a team = " Can you give me a sec im working on something" "OK people gather around I have a new idea"

LOL, But seriously is user friendly, no real surprises when I did my research, only thing I can say is CHL is proficient in helping me showcase my talent. And keeps me in the loop about our creative world.


  1. Andre, if you don't find a way to use your writing talent in your creative career I will be so disappointed!! This is really good. Just remember to edit/proofread for spelling errors.

    Blog score: 5

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