Thursday, July 14, 2011
Brooklyn New York is our home town, it is the place we always get down. How many of you remember that song by Stetsasonic? LoL, that sure brings back memories, back then everybody wanted to Rep their part of town in Brooklyn. People would say "I'm  from Do or Die  Bedsty" or Brownsville "Never ran Never will", the funny thing back then is when people would ask me "where you from" I would say "PARK SLOPE"!!! and they would say "Where is that at"? Well people I am here to tell you....

Park Slope is a neighborhood in the western section of Brooklyn, New York. The Slopes (as we call it) is basically connected to Prospect Park  one of the biggest  parks in New York from the West to the East. Which is how Park Slope got its name, funny as it may seem it is surrounded by a park and on a slope.

   It is the most populated Borough with over 65,000 people  up 2,800 since 2000 . With over 68,000 / square miles Park Slope has the ability to Demographically  hold quite a diverse population . 7th and 5th Avenue are the primary commercial streets for the neighborhood , with a lot to see and do . 

Park Slope is known for its Historic buildings,Top Rated Resturants, bars, and shops. In 2010 it was ranked number ONE in New York by New York Magazine for its quality in Public Schooling, Dining, Nightlife, Shopping, and easy access to Public Transportation. The Slopes is considered One of New Yorks most desirable neighborhoods to live in. Its Landmarks range from:

  • Prospect Park
  • Brooklyn Academy of Music (B.A.M.)
  • Brooklyn Botanic Garden
  • Brooklyn Museum
  • Brooklyn Conservatory of Music
This is just to name a few of the things that makes Park Slope what it is today.So to the guy that asked me "Where is that at" I would like to say "I dont think Park Slope is hard to find NOW..." (chuckle) "I AM PROUD TO BE A PARK SLOPIAN"......  


  1. Andre, this blog is awesome!! Somehow the movie link is broken. Fix it and I'll enter a grade.

  1. I was able to view it in the classroom. Blog score: 5. iMovie: 100

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