Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Hmmm... I was sitting here surfing the web, and all I noticed was how so many companies offer tablets and smart phones. I understand that this is the way of todays world,"TECHNOLOGY RULES". But have you ever asked yourself who is better, then who, and why should I pick them. What makes your system better then their's.

We understand that there are Pros and Cons when it comes to these mobile platforms, so I feel it would be fair to say the applications the devices offer/use would be equally important as the purchase itself. Let's face it, what good is a tablet without the apps, thats like having a computer with no operating system, come on people... face it the better the apps, the better your investment is. So without further a do, lets take a look at some of the prominent applications out there today.

  • APPLE'S App Store: The name speaks for itself Apple has been one of the most elite applications on the market. Besides the strict guidlines the developers must follow in order to provide quality work, the App store is host to more than 500,000 approved applications, as well as the IPAD having over 90,000 native Apps available for download. If you want to find more Information about the App store applications that were approved or the IPAD be sure to check out my links.

  • ANDROID MARKET: In its two plus years out Android Apps has become the second biggest player in the mobile App world. "Two Thumbs Up" for GOOGLE, making their platform a force to be reckoned with. Having over 200,000 Apps, and 500,000 new device activations every single day. Another plus about Android is how they allow outside markets to be downloaded to their systems as well. You can transfer downloads via U.S.B.,Websites, and by downloading the A.P.K. file. By doing this they do chance the risk of installing bad codes, which is a chance they are willing to take, besides it is more then what you will get from IOS devices or the App store.

  • There are many other Apps that are trying to make a way for themselves, like HP, and BlackBerry to name a few. Ultimately its up to you to decide what fits your needs. Excessive Apps with limited control then APPLE may be for you. Then there are those who want to be able to install Apps from external sources then Adroid is your guy. Maybe you are only interested in smaller easy to browse Apps then you may want to look at HP, or BlackBerry. Bottom line  people, just lie the old saying goes "THERE SOMEBODY FOR EVERYBODY" I say "THERE IS A PLATFORM FOR YOU"
                                                                 Check out this video



Thursday, June 23, 2011
The Industry, whos in it, where is it, and how do I get there. What Industry you ask?, I am talking about the Creative Industry. Where you are allowed to show case your stuff amongst the best, to prove why you feel you are the best! Can I get a Amen? (Preach on my brother)

Thats why I am here today to enlighten you about a great easy to use web site called "". CHL as I like to call it, is a premiere job site with one of the most sophisticated search engines around. It allows users to find people, companies, and resources for any aspect of the creative market. Which includes, Job Openings = You can search by category or industry to help narrow down the job that's right for you.
Creative Services = allow CHL to do the work for you wether its a logo, website, or just needing help on launching a new product CHL can help.
Artist = Any and all information you want or need to know about an old or new artist from musicians to dancers or painters to museums can be found right here.
These are just a few of the services you can get from One of my favorite things about CHL is that wether your company is one preson or a thousand through CHL  you can post information about your firm, the capabilities your company has, as well as job openings for your firm. And since resumes can be sent online you can manage your entire hiring service right through CHL and have your searches saved and filed by its personalized virtual filing system with anytime access. But you must become a member, so don't wait, join today and enjoy showing the world the "Creative You" right through

When I use CHL I like to put in different names in the category section, then switch up the industry section, and see what I come up with. Today I was searching about graphic designers. I was able to find 57 matches, but the one that caught my eye was a graphic design intern :-) for a Benefits Company. Qualifications were as followed
1. Currently enrolled in college = thats me!!
2. Studying graphic design = Hey over here....
3. Excellent communication skills = Im your guy...
4. Ability to design and work on Windows PC = " Thank you God"
5. And lastly capable of working independently or with a team = " Can you give me a sec im working on something" "OK people gather around I have a new idea"

LOL, But seriously is user friendly, no real surprises when I did my research, only thing I can say is CHL is proficient in helping me showcase my talent. And keeps me in the loop about our creative world.


Saturday, June 11, 2011
Remember as a little kid waking up Saturday mornings to watch cartoons.Or how about sitting in your room reading a comic book.Those were the good old days, now with the advancement in technology, you can watch TV on your phone, and download comic books right from the Internet.

This is why I want to tell you about a great program called Comic Life. You can use it for Windows or Macintosh, its easy to get and simple to use. Go to Comic Life - to download the program for a 30 day trial or you can buy it for as little as $24.95. If you are a professional artist or even a up and coming artist Comic Life is a great platform for you to showcase your work.

As I begin my own journey into the world of DIGITAL MEDIA ARTS utilizing Comic Life for my own comic book was quite interesting plus a lot of fun. It allowed me to tap into my creative side and use my imagination. I took some pictures  of my family and put together a story called "ARE WE HOME YET"

It takes place in Manhattan N.Y. where a nice family decides to go out for dinner at Red Lobster but I don't think everyone was on the same page. Now remember its just a comic book so you cant always believe everything you read. It may not be a Archie comic but it is my comic.


Thursday, June 2, 2011
When we think of art what comes to mind? For some it may be painting's for other's it could be dancing or a sculpture. The beauty about art is that it can be perceived in so many different ways.

Art started over 40,000 years ago, it was a way for people to express their thoughts, feeling's and beliefs through their sculpture's, painting's, or architectural work. We might as well say that art has existed for almost as long as humankind from early pre-historic art to contemporary art. The oldest art objects in the world are some tiny drilled snail shells that was discovered in a south african  cave. Since then many ancient civilizations like the GREEKS and the ROMANS have been influenced as well as fascinated by the craft that artists in the past possessed.

While art itself emphasizes on the individuality of ones creativity its history over the year's has been able to develop and influence many people across the globe.